SERIA LET'S TALK MINI - JOB INTERVIEW Zestaw 48 kart. Idealne na zajęcia z klientem korporacyjnym. Niezastąpiona pomoc przed rozmową rekrutacyjną Typowe pytania, które pojawiają się na rozmowie o pracę, ale również niestandardowe, które mogą zaskoczyć. Pomóż swoim uczniom biznesowym poczuć się swobodnie przed rozmową rekrutacyjną. Wymiary 6 x 6 cm....
PERSUADE ME Laughter will save us! Laughter is something that we desperately need in our lives, in our classrooms, in our every day conversations. Let’s talk people love laughing and we never miss the opportunity to make our students burst with laughter. We have a few sets designed in such a way that we can guarantee a lot of humour in your classroom....
SERIA LET'S TALK MINI - ASK THE RIGHT QUESTION Zestaw 48 kart. Świetne do pracy w parach, grupach czy na zajęciach do pracy one-to-one. Baza do zabaw klasowych. Wprowadzenie elementu humorystycznego na lekcje. Rozbudzają kreatywne myślenie Inspirują do nieszablonowych odpowiedzi. Uczniowie losują fiszkę i muszą zadać pytanie, odpowiedzią na które jest...
EXPLAIN YOURSELF Laughter will save us! Laughter is something that we desperately need in our lives, in our classrooms, in our every day conversations. Let’s talk people love laughing and we never miss the opportunity to make our students burst with laughter. We have a few sets designed in such a way that we can guarantee a lot of humour in your...
EXTREME CHOICES Laughter will save us! Laughter is something that we desperately need in our lives, in our classrooms, in our every day conversations. Let’s talk people love laughing and we never miss the opportunity to make our students burst with laughter. We have a few sets designed in such a way that we can guarantee a lot of humour in your...
SERIA LET'S TALK MINI - HALLOWEEN If you were visited by your own ghost coming in a time machine from the future, what would you ask him/her about? How can a vampire and a werewolf make their romantic relationship work? What would you advise them? If you could come back and haunt someone just once after your death, who would it be and why? What...
SERIA LET'S TALK MINI - JOLLY CHRISTMAS Gdybyś pracował za barem i święty Mikołaj przyszedłby na drinka – o czym rozmawialibyście? Gdyby Elfy założyły związek zawodowy, jakie byłyby ich żądania? Jak wyjaśniłbyś ideę Świąt kosmicie? Co Święty Mikołaj robi w lecie? Co by się stało, gdyby Święty Mikołaj przeszedł na emeryturę? Jeśli Twoich uczniów nurtują...
SERIA LET'S TALK MINI - LOVELY VALENTINE'S DAY How can you say ‘I love you’ without actually saying the words? How is a mother’s love different from a father’s? Do you agree that people who are in love should get married? Why (not)? Is it possible to love someone and hate them at the same time? Why (not)? Are long distance relationships possible? Why...
CHOOSE YOUR OWN CONVERSATION Choose your own conversation to mini karty na maxi zadania! 70 kart 14 tematów z podstawy programowej, po 5 pytań na każdy temat Na każdej karcie 1 pytanie i trzy odnośniki – uczeń sam wybiera - pytanie z tego samego tematu - pytanie z innego, podanego tematu - pytanie niespodzianka...
Let's talk mini - Eggstraordinary Easter If you had a chance to interview the Easter Bunny, what questions would you ask? How does one become a black sheep of the family? What are the drawbacks of being one? Are there any benefits? Some people give up different things during Lent. Do you? Why (not)? If you had to give up one thing, what would it be and...
1) What is the difference between having a hot shower and a cold shower? How do they make us feel? What situations are like a cold shower? What situations would act like a hot shower for us? 2) What influence do the things we do all day have on our appearance? Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror at the end of the day and felt defeated or...
1) What kind of conversation topics would wake you up like an espresso shot? 2) Does feeling guilty about our past actions have a positive influence on our life? Why (not)? 3) How does it make us feel when the people we meet are much more sophisticated and knowledgeable than we are? Do you run morning classes with your students? Are you battling an...
Clinical studies have shown that practising gratitude regularly has a positive effect on our psyche. Gratitude is pure wellbeing. It enhances quality of life, improves self-esteem and boosts mood. The inconspicuous set of cards from the Thanksgiving MINI series will not only introduce your students to the customs and traditions associated with...
ACT AND REACT to zestaw mini kart, które pomogą przećwiczyć sytuacje z życia wzięte. Jak nie dać się zbić z tropu, kiedy ktoś nagle zapyta nas o drogę? Jak opowiedzieć o swoim weekendzie albo wymienić wady i zalety małżeństwa? To wszystko możecie przećwiczyć wcześniej dzięki naszym kartom. Karty można wykorzystywać na wiele sposobów – mogą być wstępem do...
ACT AND REACT is a set of cards to help you practice real-life situations. How do you explain to an elderly person how Facebook works? What documents does one need to get a job in your country? How do you overcome stage fright? You can practice all this in advance with our cards. The cards can be used in many ways - they can be used as an introduction to...
Ashley Golding - author of the bestselling let's talk SLANG cards is back with a new project! This time he invites you to have a chat based on maxi minis - the biggest set of MINI cards since the beginning of our publishing house! WARMERS AND TIME-FILLERS What is in the box? - 150 cards! - 15 topics (Hobbies and free time, Travel, Education,...
Roles and missions - let's talk mini cards in a brand new, twin version! A simple idea that offers many possibilities! Students take on the roles given and have to reach an agreement with the person in the pair. As you may have guessed, the pairs are matched in such a way that an agreement requires quite a combination of logistics and negotiation! In...
IT DEPENDS Imagine a world where no one reports homework not done , teachers' bonuses have two zeros more, and the students you watch over during breaks play board games quietly.... We can't promise that, but ... We can promise that you will never again hear "It's depend" in class. Tempting, isn't it? Ewa Torebko, the author of this mini set that...
If you've used our mini cards then you know very well that they can rock great discussions! This season we come to you with a triple series of mini cards - you'll find questions for every weather, every season, every month and even - for various special holidays! Would you be tempted? Sample questions: Rainy Day Queries Can you think of why...
If you've used our mini cards then you know very well that they can rock great discussions! This season we come to you with a triple series of mini cards - you'll find questions for every weather, every season, every month and even - for various special holidays! Would you be tempted? Sample questions: Rainy Day Queries Can you think of why someone...
If you've used our mini cards then you know very well that they can rock great discussions! This season we come to you with a triple series of mini cards - you'll find questions for every weather, every season, every month and even - for various special holidays! Would you be tempted? Sample questions: Rainy Day Queries Can you think of why someone...
ONCE UPON A TIME The “Once Upon a Time” maxi mini set consists of 3 sets of 48 cards that can be used to tell or write stories. The first set contains sentences that will be used as beginnings of stories - all the cards begin with the words: “Once upon a time there was…” and then introduce a character and their peculiar feature that might be viewed as a...
Anyone who hasn't heard "You have right" at least once in their lessons hands up! This unfortunate phrase (as well as variations on "It depends on") is probably one of the most common mistakes made regularly during language courses. It's time to get it right. 48 topics for discussion and 48 opportunities to use "You ARE right". They will remember for...
Happy – Sad – Crazy Students love to tell stories. Sometimes we have the impression that this is one of the most important skills - the world of business and training is, after all, based on storytelling! Welcome to a world of stories full of choices - students' stories can unfold and end happily, sadly or crazily. It is only up to you what rules you set...
The world is as we see it. An excellent example of the power of our interpretation are the ALIKE cards. Each of the 48 cards in the “Alike” mini set contains a pair of people, things, activities or situations that do not seem connected but the students are supposed to work out how they are in fact alike by finishing the sentence: “... are alike because...
You'll never guess how exciting language lessons can be! Discover our GUESS WHAT conversation cards that will make learning a real pleasure. Take your class on a fascinating journey through the world of words and phrases, with questions and challenges that will spark their creativity and get them active. Let language learning be not only effective, but...
Do you teach adults and want to practise language responses with them in situations often encountered in companies? Prepare your students for conversations about promotion, meeting deadlines, a nasty boss, dealing with customers, company communication problems, broken equipment and even company events. 48 mini cards Example cards: Guess what! I was...
One of a three-part series of inquisitive questions (the others are Questions To Think About and Questions To Mull Over). You can use them at the beginning or end of a lesson, for individual, pair, group work. They are so versatile that they will work in any situation! 48 mini cards. Example cards: What do you think is more important for a teacher:...
One of a three-part series of inquisitive questions (the others are Questions To Think About and Questions To Reflect Upon). You can use them at the beginning or end of a lesson, for individual, pair, group work. They are so versatile that they will work in any situation! 48 mini cards. Sample questions: Why do people take photos? Give at least five...
One of a three-part series of inquisitive questions (the others are Questions To Mull Over and Questions To Reflect Upon). You can use them at the beginning or end of a lesson, for individual work, in pairs, in groups. They are so versatile that they will work in any situation! 48 mini cards. Example cards: What are the advantages and disadvantages of...
The “4 Ways” set consists of 24 big and 24 small cards that can be used together or on their own to practise speaking and/or writing. Each of the big cards has four topics located along the edges of the cards. Each of the small cards’ edges has one of the following: a name of a grammatical structure, an idiomatic expression, a situation, and a...
The mini grammar cards are a unique set based on 12 engaging tasks that help students master basic tenses in English in an interactive and creative way. Each card contains a variety of exercises, such as putting words in the correct order, turning sentences into questions, choosing the correct tense, or filling in gaps with the appropriate verb form....
The mini grammar cards are a unique set based on 12 engaging tasks that help students master basic tenses in English in an interactive and creative way. Each card contains a variety of exercises, such as putting words in the correct order, turning sentences into questions, choosing the correct tense, or filling in gaps with the appropriate verb form....
The mini grammar cards are a unique set based on 12 engaging tasks that help students master basic tenses in English in an interactive and creative way. Each card contains a variety of exercises, such as putting words in the correct order, turning sentences into questions, choosing the correct tense, or filling in gaps with the appropriate verb form....